A measured spring in Jordan

The Caravan, May 1, 2012 Friday noon prayers find the faithful spilling out of al-Husseini Mosque in downtown Amman. They crowd the street and sidewalks, bowing between vendors. Four men kneel alongside a folding table loaded down with silver faucets, showerheads and handles. Others prostrate themselves next to a display of cheap plastic shoes. Those …

Waiting for Taha

  Waiting for Taha: review of Adina Hoffman’s My Happiness Bears no Relation to Happiness: a poet’s life in the Palestinian Century The Jerusalem Post, June 5, 2009 The story begins with an unlikely friendship between a Jewish American woman who has come to call Jerusalem home and a Palestinian poet, old enough to be …

Chronicles of a Refugee, a documentary review

 Chronicles of a Refugee, a documentary review Maan News Agency, May 6, 2009 “Do you know what the problem  is?” Nadine, a young Palestinian woman asks an off-screen interviewer.  She continues, “It’s that the Palestinian has the ability to forgive…  If you, as an Israeli, killed his mother and father and his family,  he [the …